Hari ini aku akan menjawab satu award dari Siti Norashikin iaitu The Liebster Award. Actually pernah beberapa kali dah nampak tag ni, jadi terasa macam nak buat juga.
Ini soalah yang aku dapat dari tag:
1. How did you pick your blog's name?
I was inspired from an author of the JOM magazines, she was known as The Rocking Hijab, and her name is Sandy Nur Farah Syakirah. She is a Muallaf who had a talent in writing, she already published an interesting books which im looking up to buy later, it is called "Mencari Dia yang satu"
But don't get me wrong, it's not like I want a blog name same like her, it just somehow it feels unique with the Rocking Hijab names. So I tried like naming mine The Rocking Jubah, but it might cause confusion to other's, is this blogger muslimin or muslimah? So then I try The Rocking Songkok but it feels so wrong, im not really Rocking..
that I finally came up with The Kreatif Ketayap.
2. Which state are you from?
3. Who is your best friend?
I have a lot of close friend, but best friend? It's hard to pick.
4. What is your greatest weakness?
A lot, one of them is I like to wasting time and do worthless stuff.. If anyone knows how to solve this problem, please let me know..
5. How do you handle stress and pressure?
Usually I'll try and find a close friend, cause when im stress or under pressure, after I went to my friend's room eventhough we didn't talk I somehow get a bit calm, subhanallah. Maybe cause I have such a good friend. So in this case, we have to choose a good friends, who doesn't drop oil when you are in fire..
The other method like when you are in other places, try to istigfar, like 5 times but if it doesn't work then double the amount. So it's like you get a good deeds even when you are mad.
Diriwayatkan dari Abdullah bin Abbas RA, bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda "Barangsiapa melazimkan istigfar, maka Allah akan jadikan jalan keluar dalam setiap kesulitan hidup, dan jadikan setiap kegundah-gulanaannya menjadi kebahagian dan Allah akan memberinya rezeki dari jalan yang tidak disangka-sangka."
(HR Abu Dawud dan Ibnu Majah)
6. What are three things you cannot live without?
Well im not sure, food? Knowledge? Nikmat?
7. Describe yourself in three words.
The Kreatif Ketayap!
8. Gold or Silver?
9. Best present you got from your lover?
Everything on me right now.
10. Who your lover's dream?
Err I don't know.
11. Your opinion about my blog?
Alhamdulillah, nice blog!
Okay, Sekarang, tibalah sesi kita interview dengan para sahabat kita di luar sana.
Eh Eh.. belum lagi,
ada lagi satu Liebster Award, kali ini dari
Karimah binti Zulkafali pula..
Susah betul jadi orang famous-amos ni kan? Asif terpoyo pula haha..
Soalan daripadanya ialah:
1. What's your crush name? Hahaha ada bran? :P
Pass... haha..
but if you eager to know,
my crush name is Fatima Azzahra, know her right?
2. What's your favourite subject?
I think it's physics, because it makes no sense no matter how much I study for it.
3. What do you think of your personality?
My personality bad, and I think I still need a lot of improvement.
4. What will you do if your best friend doesn't want to talk to you?
First I reflect on what I did, but if I still can't figure out what mistake that I do, then only I'll try ask him personally.
5. If you have a crush, do you want to tell him/her your feeling?
Maybe not hehe..
6. Do you hate prefect school? But why?
I don't.. hmm why? hehe cause there is no reason to hate them, since im also a Prefect >.<
7. If you're totally get mad, what will you do?
Try to stay away from the conversation or anything that makes me mad, remain in silence and try to do some istigfar. If it still doesn't work out, then go to any of my close friend and talk with them. InshaaAllah those feeling will get rid off.
8. If you are a prefect school, what'll you do if the students still do what was you ban him/her?
When I was a prefect, I don't think I have power to ban someone else hehe.. but don't worry, as a prefect you have advantages which is in reporting. So if you see someone doing a bad things, don't hesitate to straightly inform the disciplines teacher, the one that every students afraid. If they dare to treat you, just report again haha.
9. You know couple is haram, but if someone ask you to couple with him/her, what will you do?
This is actually a tough question, cause what I am now is not the same like what I am tomorrow. You know what I mean right? I could say that im totally against this today, but who knows what I would say tomorrow. Since, I have a few friends who made a mention that they are against "couple" but unfortunately, they lose themselves into it. Nauzubillahi min zalik.
I just hope that Allah will guide me all the way to say "No".
10. If there's someone who's waiting for you for a long time, do you accept him/her?
Oh come on, this is not a drama right? xD
No one really waiting for you for that long except it is one of their lies.. haha just kidding.
If they really waiting for you to get married then why not right?
11. Do you love me? Hahaha :P
But we just met...
Okay so, sekarang barulah tiba sesi saya melontarkan soalan
Soalan yang akan saya ajukan ialah:
1. Perkara sunnah apa yang kamu suka lakukan?
2. Jika kamu diberikan peluang untuk memilih tempat tinggal, dimanakah tempat yang anda mahu? dan mengapa?
3. Apakah surah favourite anda dalam Al-Quran? Dan Mengapa?
4. Berenang, memanah dan menunggang kuda itu adalah sukan pilihan Rasulullah, anda pula bagaimana?
5. Bilakah agaknya tarikh lahir anda dalam kalender islam?
6. Apakah movie kegemaran anda? Dan berikan satu pengajaran atau moral dari movie tersebut.
7. Pilih satu sahabat Nabi yang anda kagumi, dan kongsikan mengapa? (Jika ada kisah menarik tentang beliau, nyatakan)
8. Siapakah adik beradik (Jika tiada maka sahabat) anda yang paling rapat? Dan mengapa?
9. Apakah lagu nasyid favourite anda?
10. Adakah anda rasa leceh untuk menjawab soalan-soalan ini? Sila jawab seikhlas hati :P
[Jika anda jawab Ya dalam soalan 10 maka abaikan soalan 11]
11. Ada seorang rakan atau sahabat, yang datang untuk meraih satu nasihat, atau tazkirah (peringatan) daripada anda, apa yang anda ingin sampaikan?
Dan mangsa soalan saya ialah:
11. Kamu yang sedang membaca :D